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Meet the Team:
Penelope's New Team Part 1

Penelope's New Team Part 1, Meet the Team, explores that critical moment when excitement suddenly flips to panic, fear, or anxiety.


Penelope Pickleberry is joining a new soccer team.  She isn’t sure what to expect but she's excited to get started…that is, until she sees all the new kids on the field.  


Join Penelope on this colorful and heartwarming journey to see if a Pickle-Power-Popper-Pause will help her find the confidence and bravery to meet her new team.


In this story, readers will learn:


  • Steps to boost self-esteem and confidence in social situations.

  • How feelings of fear and anxiety can be helpful and keep us safe. 

  • How to challenge "what-if" thinking with positive self-talk.


For more learning and discussion, join TFDLit to access free printables to accompany the story. 

page sample

Whether dealing with social anxiety or fears of the unknown, this book provides meaningful tools to accept, understand, and even make the most of those big feelings.

Feeling scared, nervous or anxious is uncomfortable. The physical sensations can trigger the fight, flight, or freeze response inside of us. Let's teach children we do not have to let those physical sensations  lead to panic. Instead, let's look at feelings of fear and anxiety as our body's way of keeping us safe. 


In this story, Penelope learns to look at those physical sensations of fear and anxiety as an alarm inside her body that is meant to remind her to make sure she is safe, not to stop her from living her life.

challenge: Can you find Popper on every page?

 Thoughtful Activities and Worksheets 

 Kid-Friendly CBT Templates 

Free-Printables-Popper and the Pickleberrys- counseling activities and worksheets, original artwork by TFDLit, CBT templates, CBT Game, Mazes, Word Search, Coloring sheets

 FUN Games and Puzzles 

 Colorng Pages 

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