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Resource Bundles

Butterfly Bellies
Self-Regulation Series

Identifying Feelings Butterfly Bellies Part 1 Preview
Calming Butterflies- Butterfly Bellies Part 2 Preview
Understanding Triggers- Butterfly Bellies Part 3 Preview
Problem-Solving Butterfly Bellies part 4 Preview

The Butterfly Bellies series introduces a framework for self-regulation, with step by step content and activities to develop emotional awareness, practice calming strategies, understand triggers, solve problems and practice positive self-talk.  

Coping with Worry
What-If-Worry-Wiggle Bundle

What-If-Worry-Wiggle Bundle Preview, a fun and playful tool that encourages a growth mindset fueled by curiosity and hope. Grounding Strategies, Identifying Worry Thoughts, Mindful Thought Redirection, includes preview of bundle content included worry bubble, ice cream art, grounding exercises and coloring page
What-If-Worry-Wiggle Game Preview, social anxiety test anxiety, bedtime worries, fear of change, picky eating, separation anxiety, 6 illustrated game cards front and back, game tokens included in this bundle

The "What If Worry Wiggle" Bundle is filled with activities and games to help children manage worry and anxiety through playful learning. Learn important coping skills like emotional awareness, grounding, resilience, distress tolerance, and self-regulation in this engaging tool for use at home, in schools, or therapy settings.

Also Includes the "What If Worry Wiggle" Game!

Coping with Anxiety
Feeling Nervous Bundle 

The Feeling Nervous Bundle dives into self-regulation and CBT strategies for coping with anxiety for kids.

Packed with interactive activities and easy-to-understand tools, this resource empowers children to manage their emotions and build confidence in handling anxious situations! 

CBT Bundle
Feeling Scared/Feeling Brave and Feeling Anger Combo Bundle

CBT Bundle Feeling Scared, Feeling Anger Combo, Develop emotional awareness, practice problem-solving, identify thoughts, feelings and actions, explore choices and consequences, prepare for challenges and learn through play. 30 pages of CBT inspired content, activities and worksheets, and 6 illiustrated content preview pages

The CBT Bundle Feeling Scared, Feeling Anger Combo combines our popular Feeling Scared-Feeling Brave Bundle and Feeling Anger Bundle into 1 downloadable PDF.

CBT Bundle Feeling Scared, Feeling Anger Combo list of what's included with image preview. Pickle-Power-Popper-Pause steps poster, feeling thermometer info and art activity, when to pause illustrated story, calming activity, helpful thoughts example and worksheet, positive reminders activity, think, feel, do template and activities, word search, Feeling Angry Bundle Introduction, feeling thermometer info and art activity, calming activity, when to pause illustrated story, helpful thoughts, feeling anger and other feelings activity, positive reminders activity
Bonus CBT Game with 2 exclusive new cards available in this bundle, includes preview of game instructions and 9 illustrated game cards front and back with ideas to explore

Coping with Fear
Feeling Scared-Feeling Brave Bundle 

Feeling Scared- Feeling Brave CBT strategies, worksheets, and activities for kids, includes 14 pages of playful content and mindful activities rooted in evidence based CBT strategies

The Feeling Scared-Feeling Brave Bundle introduces CBT strategies for children who struggle with feeling scared. This bundle aims to normalize feeling scared and teach valuable coping skills. 



Coping with Anger
Feeling Anger Bundle

The Feeling Angry Bundle introduces CBT strategies for children who struggle with impulse control and anger. This bundle aims to help children understand anger and how to move through it.​​

Feeling Angry Bundle worksheets and activities preview, includes 15 illustrated pages of playful content and mindfulness activities rooted in evidence-based CBT strategies.

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